Monday, May 20, 2013

Westward Bound

Lonna and I had a great time visiting family and friends back home but it is time to start traveling again. On Tuesday 5/14/2013 we started to leave the Redneck RV park (Lonna's brothers farm which we all jokingly renamed). As we were leaving the shift knob on our Trailblazer broke. After an hour delay and a new knob we were on the road. We will be traveling west across the US towards California with many stops along the way. Our first stop, after getting 125 Gal of diesel fuel, was  Wisconsin Dells. There are many things to do in the Dells from boat rides, watershows, golf, mini golf, and lots of indoor and outdoor waterparks. Since we have done many of these in the past we visited Carr Valley cheese plant. Here they make alot of cheese curds which is used to make many kinds of cheese.  And I love Cheese Curds!
We also played some golf and enjoyed putting some miles on the motorcycle. It was nice to just relax at some of the local parks and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Back in 2008 the dam and road washed away, draining Lake Delton empty. All the water and fish went into the Wisconsin River.  With the help of many it was fixed and refilled for the 2009 season.

 In the picture to the right you can see the Wisconsin Dells duck, with a load of passengers, and the beautiful cliffs behind. We spent 3 days in the Dells before moving on to visit some very good friends in LaCrescent MN. LaCresent is just across the Mississippi river from LaCrosse Wi. Many Packer fans across the border!                                            

To the left is a picture of our good friends Jerry and Janet, taken from a bluff high above LaCrosse,WI   (Grand-dads Bluff)

To the right is another beautiful view from top of the bluff.
To the left is a view of UW LaCrosse from up on the bluff.  In the middle you can see the sports track and field for UW LaCrosse

 I have lived in Wisconsin all my life but have never seen a black squirl. I guess they are common in this area. You learn and see something new everyday. This is why we enjoy this lifestyle so much,

To the left is a tall statue of Hiawatha in LaCrosse on the river. We had a great time in LaCrosse.  After church on Sunday it was time to continue west.

If you are ever on Interstate 90, around Austin MN stop at the SPAM museum. It is a must! This is a free stop and done very well, with interactive games, a short movie and lots of information about the Hormel Co. Two thumbs up from me.  (Loved the piggy door in the background)

We also made a stop in Walnut Grove MN. One of the home places for Laura Ingalls Wilder. A few buidings made to look like the originals, and some of Laura's actual things here. Alot of history about her and her family and the TV series.  Lonna's Grandmother lived around this area at the turn of the century so she really enjoyed the nostalgia and was a big fan of the TV series.
Well. we're off to South Dakota tomorrow, to see more of this great country.

1 comment:

  1. SPAM museum...2 thumbs up...hmmmm
    I already miss not having you in Fort! But I am looking forward to August!
