Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gulf Coast of Florida

So as we adventure through Alligator Alley and up the Gulf Coast, Christmas decorations are sure alot different than in Wisconsin.  Randy got to see his 100's of Alligators along the roadway, near the waterways. 
We've done some coastal kayaking, finding wonderful beaches (Venice Beach is beautiful).  They have alot of Flea Markets and wonderful Farmer's Markets every weekend so we're trying to eat our fruits and veggies more.  We have our 3 stockings hung above the TV and if we really want to, we can pop in the "roaring fire" DVD and they look like they are above the fireplace.  Our 3foot tree is lit every night, on our steering wheel table, and of course our Nativity set is lit and in the big front window.  We're finding how many more people are celebrating the true meaning of Christmas in the south.  Nativity's, saying "Merry Christmas", church concerts, and plays in public places.  It's great! 
We toured Thomas Edison's "winter home" in Fort Myers.  I never realized all of the things he invented.  63 years of patents with at least 1 patent every year.  Researching rubber trees to develop tires for his good friend Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone.  They "wintered" together.  The furniture and layout of both Mr Ford and Mr Edison's homes, on the property, brought back so many memories of my grandparents home.  It was really a wonderful tour, even got to see his laboratory.  They had a "touch table" of some of his inventions.  Sad to say I picked up a carbon recording tube and accidentally dropped it.  Carbon chunks flew.  How many people do you know that broke Thomas Edison's invention.  Oops.  I'm bad!!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and remember Jesus is the Reason!!   

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