Thursday, December 6, 2012

Florida Keys

 We took the inland road from Kissimmee down to the Keys. #1 to see a different part of Florida and #2 to avoid the Toll Roads.  $1.00 for a car toll turns into $5.00 for the RV towing a car with 5 axles.  Brother Jim keeps us on the right roads with his suggestions for truck routes and our truck maps.  We spent a night near Lake
Okeechobee but couldn't see much as there is a berm around it.  Oh well, the map said it was there?!?!  The next night we did something out of the ordinary and spent the night in a Indian Casino parking lot.  Alot of RVers do it that gamble but it was on our way.  We went in to let them know and signed up for a "players card" because they gave us $20 free gambling money and a 2 for 1 buffet.  So the Indians paid US to stay there, basically, and fed us.  NICE !!  Side trip from there was at the Coral Castle in Homestead.  In short, 1 man hauled and carved tons and tons of rock/coral to make a living quarters castle.  Chairs, beds, sun dial, cook stove, water wheel, fountains, etc.  And they were comfortable.  It was on our "unusual" list of things to see.  Like the "Twistee Top" ice cream stops that are in the shape of a huge ice cream cone. 

Onto the Keys.  We set up at the Grassy Key RV Resort outside Marathon and boy did it have a view!!  Went to Key West (too crazy for me) but most of the time our adventures led us to walking, biking, snorkeling, and just checking out nature.  Saw 2 "key deer" on Deer Key.  Endangered speci of deer that are very small.  I think our granddog Duke is bigger (German Shepard).  They don't leave the island because they would have to cross a bridge to get anywhere, or maybe swim??  Jaws may be waiting! 
Took a 3 hours tour (sounds familiar?) well, this tour was calm and a gorgeous 80 degree day.  So we didn't see Gilligan or the Professor.  Group of 16 people on a boat to snorkel at Sombero Lighthouse. (9 were from Wisconsin, go figure) Interestingly, the other 7 were from Italy and New Jersey.  I thought the Sombero Lighthouse (looking from shore) was a replica of the Effel Tower.  But it is a iron framed lighthouse in the middle of the ocean with what looks like 2 semi trailer boxes connected to make a large enclosed shell, 2 stories up from the ocean.  That's were the lighthouse keeper lived.  The last one for 24 years, only leaving the lighthouse once a year. (1940-1964).
Geocaching, iguana searching (saw dozens, one 4ft), bird identifying, people watching, fishing eating were all on our agenda.  We walked the old Seven Mile Bridge (right side) twice for exercise and to find a geocache.  Saw Rays jumping, iguanas, and lots of regular fish jumping.  Getting lots of sun and exercise but must be eating too well because our clothes still fit.
Did I tell you about "the RV swarm"???   It seems that RVing is a man sport.  Once you pull into your campsite and get things hooked up on the outside, the woman goes inside to get things set up.  The man stays outside to finish up and then "the RV swarm" starts.  Men from all over the campground suddenly swarm around your RV to discuss your RV (they love the motorcycle lift) and have man talk.  It's quite the thing to watch.  AND it seems to occur at every campground so it's not a region event.  And they say us women like to talk!

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