Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Savannah Georgia

 Today we finally arrived at the coast!  Savannah Georgia.  Ate at Uncle Bubba's Restaurant.  Paula Deen and her brother, Bubba's restaurant.  Lots of Paula old time photos and memorabelia on the walls.  But NO Paula : >((   But the food was great.  We then experienced an East coast waterway and sunset.  It has been a bit windy (left over Tropical Storm Sandy) but the wind is suppose to decrease later tonight.  I just love hearing the southern drawl but we've had to ask a few people to repeat what they said because we didn't understand.  We obviously have an "ancent" too, because many hear us talk and ask "where ya'll from?"  Corn muffins and red rice is definitely good in the south.  Going to visit Old Town Savannah tomorrow. 

Old Town Savannah was really neat.  We purchased a "walking map" and took our own tour walking the town.  The downtown area is divided into squares and each has a historical significance.  Walked about 5 miles.  Revoluntionary war, Civil war history.  Most haunted city in America.  Saw Lady & Sons Restaurant, again NO Paula Deen.  She was going to be there the next day for a book signing.  Didn't go back.  Beautiful river front and 1700's buildings where ships would dock and take or leave there merchandise.  Cobblestone streets.  Now many gift shops and restaurants.  Great city to see and explore.

Wears Waldo "buddy"

So here we are in the mini metropolis of Metropolis.  Buddy volunteered to play the part of "Waldo".  It's a great little town (approx 6000).  Looks like if you threw some dirt on the road, a couple of cowboys on horseback would ride into town.  they have beautiful hand painted murals on many of the buildings depicting history in Metropolis.  It is right on the Ohio river, which makes for a great border between Illinois and Kentucky.  They had a 6wk flood in 1937 that covered the town.  Made me think of Fort Atkinson in 2008.
Never want to live through a flood again.  Definitely NOT fun.  The language is turning "southern" here
drawls and "thank you maam".  The true identity of Superman shall ever remain our secret.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Adventure Begins

 I guess it actually began 7+ years ago but we drove off my brothers farm at 1pm on our actual way to the south and our new adventure.  Feels like forever since the dream first started.  Life has been very planned and expected til now.  Eat, sleep, work, raise wonderful kids, and have a few weekend or longer adventures.  The thought of the unknown is like driving into a big black hole.  In the last week since Randy and I quit/retired from our jobs we have been in HIGH gear readying for travel.  Finished cleaning out our 4 bedroom home, packed a 6x12 foot trailer with belongings we wish to save, showed the house to 2 potential renters, gave up on a "for certain" pastor renter, racked leaves, shut down the ponds, reorganized the entire motorhome to make room for a few more items, moved the remaining tools and some furniture, re-wired the battery bank, added a wind generator, and got ready to go.  Life has a way of throwing a curve.  We both got physicals before leaving, as our insurance will change.  The doctor found Randy had a growth on his prostate which needed a biopsy.  After being ready to roll, we were then on hold awaiting results.  Cancer/no cancer... can we leave/should we leave?  But Praise God, all was well and NO cancer.  It makes you think how precious each day is and that we really needed to follow our dreams and live each day to the fullest.  If has definitely been a difficult week and even harder to say Goodbye to family,  make that see ya soon.  Driving down the road it feels like we are going for a nice "vacation" but mentally I know it's longer than a 1 week vacation.  Slowing down and enjoying the ride is very difficult when you are used to going 100mph (not literally, we both have not had a speeding ticket in over 25yrs).  So our first 400miles took us to southern Illinois.  (No Packer game aired on the radio) Bummer....  and tomorrow our goal is to visit Metropolis, the home of Superman.  Randy is ready to expose his secret identity!  Let ya know how exciting that was later...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This letter didn't quite satisfy my resignation requirements.  But we tried!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Retirement / Bon Voyage parties

WOW, we've got the best friends and family in the world!  Definitely do not need to travel to know that.  It makes the beginning of our adventure so difficult to know we are leaving so many wonderful people back here in Wisconsin / Minnesota.  I truly hope people will take us up on meeting up or coming to visit us in different areas of North America.  AND we will definitely be back in Wisconsin (when the weather improves) to see everyone. 

We originally rented the Club House at the RV park we are living at, but after the invitations were sent, they changed their mind and decided they would store pool furniture in it the day of the party.  So we had to make a quick decision to rent a tent.  Rain, wind, cold all came but thanks to our dryer we could dry off between the raising of the tent and greeting of friends and family that still came out to celebrate Randy's official retirement.  He's been counting down the days 3 times.  Once before turning 55, when he could first take his retirement.  Second when we thought we would take off 11-11-11. and finally, the present real and true retirement.  I must say of the 2 days he has been "officially" retired, he has gotten up earlier then ever before.  The mind is a horrible alarm clock.  We were so happy to share a cold, windy, rainy day with friends and family that came to wish us well.

Two days later the wonderful friends at the Aurora clinic threw a farewell party that will be one of the best evenings of my life.  Well, having wonderful children and the best husband is definitely the tops but this was really up there.  Sharing food, laughs, and moustache straws with friends is the best.  I now have a mission to keep all updated on our travels and "where in the world" we are (including my new Waldo costume)  I may even make it into a guessing game!?!?.  I definitely found a ton of resources to contact, to find what to do in a multiple of areas across the U.S.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10J7CVJQmH4

The hardest part of this adventure is the fight between the excitement of adventure and the sadness of leaving those you love.  Thank God for technology, because I'd go crazy not using it to keep in contact.  Skype, Facetime, Facebook, txt, email, cell phones..... they are wonderful things.  Can't imagine the early settlers leaving and waiting months to communicate with friends and family. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where We've Been

     So maybe you are wondering what we have done since we purchased the motorhome 2 years ago.  We drove to Traverse City Michigan to pick up the motorhome from a wonderful couple that, due to health reasons, had to sell.  Thought we would take the "scenic route" home through the UP in May.  Being new drivers of a 42 foot Class A Motorhome, we got instant training crossing the Mackinaw Bridge and then driving through one of the last snow storms of the season.  Joy !!  But we made it back to Fort Atkinson without a scratch.  I think we each collected a few extra grey hairs, even Buddy. 
     That first summer we signed up for a seasonal site at Jellystone in Fort Atkinson.  We lived in the house during the week, and moved to the motorhome (coach) on the weekends.  It was a great way to learn how to use everything on the coach and live in 400 square feet space.  Randy started taking things apart to figure them out and upgrade or "tweek" a few things.  Like adding a shelf in a huge cabinet with no shelves, taking out a love seat and putting in a recliner, upgrading the sound system wiring, and repairing a few raised floor tiles.  That was a great first year experience but we won't miss the weekend Karaoke group, that couldn't sing.
     The next 2 summers we have spent in another seasonal site (April 15 - Oct 15) at Willow Run Resort north of Elkhorn.  We lived 24/7 in the RV for the summer of 2011 & 2012 with only returning to the house in Fort twice a week to mow the lawn and maintain.  Randy continues to upgrade and change things he feels will better suit us but neither one of us missed cleaning or sleeping in a bricks & sticks home.  So I know we are finally ready to start rolling.
     Randy retired on September 28 but only had 1 week of freedom before he got asked to return to train his replacement, so his second attempt at retirement will officially start after working Friday, October 12th.  I will be finished working at the clinic on Friday, October 19th.  We plan to finish our yearly maintenance on the RV that weekend and take off sometime within the week.  Of course our first stop will be at the gas station to fill up our 110gallon diesel tank (you do the math at $4.09/gal) then moving south so we reach Daytona Beach Florida in time for a Good Sam Rally at the Daytona Speedway by November 2nd.  Good Sam is a RV group that offers discounts, trip planning, group adventures, and rallies that offer seminars, entertainment, and products that help make camping fun. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Beginning

     It actually began 7 years ago while camping.  Randy and I started to dream outloud and mentioned "wouldn't it be great to retire early and travel the U.S."  Randy blessed his children with many family vacations and camping trips while they were growing up.  My parents took us on summer vacations and across country to visit relatives.  As my mother got older and retired she traveled the world and I knew I wanted to do the same.  Our love of camping and traveling with our own bed and "things" with us seemed like the greatest way to travel.  Don't get me wrong, flying or traveling in a 30+ mpg small vehicle is great, but sleeping in a hotel and eating someone elses cooking every day, does not thrill me.  Then there was/is that Bed Bug thing.....
     So we began the discussions, dreaming, researching, and gathering of information.  In our continued travels we would take part in RV shows, conventions, rallies, and checking out campgrounds.  The internet is a wonderful place to talk to people that have done this exact thing.  A wealth of information.   
     We purchased our RV in May of 2010.  We had researched and had a "must have" list as far as engine, length, ammenities.  When this unit popped up on the internet with only 7000 miles, 3 years old, and almost half of it's NADA value, we couldn't say no.  Our original plan was to have Randy retire at age 55 and take off 11/11/11.  God had other plans. 
     The process of selling our apartment building in Janesville turned into finding a management company that will take care of all the worries (for a fee, but a reasonable fee).  Selling our home and ALL of it's contents.  It's amazing how much "stuff" you can collect.  It's definitely a process to resign to the fact that it's just bricks and sticks, and all the wonderful memories that you experienced with your family are ALWAYS with you and not held by those walls.  Then there is the "stuff".  It definitely was a multi process cleaning.  First you have obvious stuff you need to keep (ie: clothing, tools, toiletries, dog) and those clothes you haven't (or can't) wear for the last 6 months go first.  Then there is the rest that you just don't know if you will need or not.  The big stuff is easy (it won't fit).  I sorted, gave to Goodwill, kids, family then resorted what I thought I may need, and got rid of more.  Then you have a huge, whole house sale and get rid of all the big stuff, little stuff, and anything else.  What little stuff didn't sell goes to Goodwill and what big stuff didn't sell went on Craigslist.  A wonderful selling media without shipping costs!  During the process it got easier and easier to let go and realize it's about the people, and not the stuff, that makes life worthwhile.  God has taken us on a long journey to get to where we thought our "journey" would begin.  We've learned patience, reliance on Him, trust, and learning what's important.  As so the journey continues.....