Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Beginning

     It actually began 7 years ago while camping.  Randy and I started to dream outloud and mentioned "wouldn't it be great to retire early and travel the U.S."  Randy blessed his children with many family vacations and camping trips while they were growing up.  My parents took us on summer vacations and across country to visit relatives.  As my mother got older and retired she traveled the world and I knew I wanted to do the same.  Our love of camping and traveling with our own bed and "things" with us seemed like the greatest way to travel.  Don't get me wrong, flying or traveling in a 30+ mpg small vehicle is great, but sleeping in a hotel and eating someone elses cooking every day, does not thrill me.  Then there was/is that Bed Bug thing.....
     So we began the discussions, dreaming, researching, and gathering of information.  In our continued travels we would take part in RV shows, conventions, rallies, and checking out campgrounds.  The internet is a wonderful place to talk to people that have done this exact thing.  A wealth of information.   
     We purchased our RV in May of 2010.  We had researched and had a "must have" list as far as engine, length, ammenities.  When this unit popped up on the internet with only 7000 miles, 3 years old, and almost half of it's NADA value, we couldn't say no.  Our original plan was to have Randy retire at age 55 and take off 11/11/11.  God had other plans. 
     The process of selling our apartment building in Janesville turned into finding a management company that will take care of all the worries (for a fee, but a reasonable fee).  Selling our home and ALL of it's contents.  It's amazing how much "stuff" you can collect.  It's definitely a process to resign to the fact that it's just bricks and sticks, and all the wonderful memories that you experienced with your family are ALWAYS with you and not held by those walls.  Then there is the "stuff".  It definitely was a multi process cleaning.  First you have obvious stuff you need to keep (ie: clothing, tools, toiletries, dog) and those clothes you haven't (or can't) wear for the last 6 months go first.  Then there is the rest that you just don't know if you will need or not.  The big stuff is easy (it won't fit).  I sorted, gave to Goodwill, kids, family then resorted what I thought I may need, and got rid of more.  Then you have a huge, whole house sale and get rid of all the big stuff, little stuff, and anything else.  What little stuff didn't sell goes to Goodwill and what big stuff didn't sell went on Craigslist.  A wonderful selling media without shipping costs!  During the process it got easier and easier to let go and realize it's about the people, and not the stuff, that makes life worthwhile.  God has taken us on a long journey to get to where we thought our "journey" would begin.  We've learned patience, reliance on Him, trust, and learning what's important.  As so the journey continues.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey, How exciting to see what you are doing. Looking forward to joining you in Orlando!
