Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Adventure Begins

 I guess it actually began 7+ years ago but we drove off my brothers farm at 1pm on our actual way to the south and our new adventure.  Feels like forever since the dream first started.  Life has been very planned and expected til now.  Eat, sleep, work, raise wonderful kids, and have a few weekend or longer adventures.  The thought of the unknown is like driving into a big black hole.  In the last week since Randy and I quit/retired from our jobs we have been in HIGH gear readying for travel.  Finished cleaning out our 4 bedroom home, packed a 6x12 foot trailer with belongings we wish to save, showed the house to 2 potential renters, gave up on a "for certain" pastor renter, racked leaves, shut down the ponds, reorganized the entire motorhome to make room for a few more items, moved the remaining tools and some furniture, re-wired the battery bank, added a wind generator, and got ready to go.  Life has a way of throwing a curve.  We both got physicals before leaving, as our insurance will change.  The doctor found Randy had a growth on his prostate which needed a biopsy.  After being ready to roll, we were then on hold awaiting results.  Cancer/no cancer... can we leave/should we leave?  But Praise God, all was well and NO cancer.  It makes you think how precious each day is and that we really needed to follow our dreams and live each day to the fullest.  If has definitely been a difficult week and even harder to say Goodbye to family,  make that see ya soon.  Driving down the road it feels like we are going for a nice "vacation" but mentally I know it's longer than a 1 week vacation.  Slowing down and enjoying the ride is very difficult when you are used to going 100mph (not literally, we both have not had a speeding ticket in over 25yrs).  So our first 400miles took us to southern Illinois.  (No Packer game aired on the radio) Bummer....  and tomorrow our goal is to visit Metropolis, the home of Superman.  Randy is ready to expose his secret identity!  Let ya know how exciting that was later...

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