Sunday, October 26, 2014

Door County & home

Spent 2 weeks in Door County and Harbour View Campground on Hwy 42 - We love the location and nice facilities here.  We wandered the peninsula and really had a hard time finding a place we hadn't visited before.  It was nice to re-visit our favorite shops and antique stores.  We must be getting old, as we love reminiscing about old toys or items that we grew up with, that are now in the "antique" section.  Samantha came up and spent 3 nights with us. James and Jamie spent a few nights, and Amber and her new "friend" Will camped in his pop-up a few nights.  Sarah was the only one that wasn't able to come up.  But we saw her when we got back to Delavan, as well as the other kids too.  It was a nice restful time, no rush or major stuff to do.  Finished a few projects on and in the motorhome.  On the way back to Delavan we overnighted in the parking lot of Bauer Tire in Waukesha.  Got new tires put on the Motorhome - major budget !!!  But our RV insurance has a clause that the tires should not be more than 7 years old or they won't cover damage to the motorhome, if one should blow or whatever.  Ours were going on 8 and I can not imagine what kind of damage or cost it would take to repair my bathroom getting blown out or a wall or the motorhome.  So, "gulp", we got 8 new tires.  My brother Jim, suggested we keep the old tires and try to resell them as a set of 8 to a trucker (great tread and minimal wear for truckers).  Hauled them back to Delavan and put them on Ebay - sold in 2 weeks to a trucker from Rockford.  Repay a 1/5 of the cost of the new tires.  YAHHH   SCORE!!! 
The kids were all doing great.  James & Jamie are preparing for their wedding in May 2015, Amber's working hard at the roofing company and enjoys hunting/fishing every other waking hour (grand dog Duke is still chasing every tennis ball he can)
Sarah & boyfriend Tim are doing well and see each other when their schedules mesh. (grand dog Mr Jack is his usually character)  Samantha is looking for different jobs, caring for the love of her life (horses) and texting her mom frequently!  Brother Jim is working 2 jobs and so the farm is in the ladies hands during the week and his hands on the weekend.  Never enough time.  We always try to help out, when in town.  Helped clean out their garage, sort, and repack.  By garage I mean 4 barn doors wide and their stuff, 3 kids stuff, and some of our stuff - All packed in there.  Now everyone has their area and ALOT of stuff got put by the road, for sale, or on the burn pile. It amazes me how much stuff we all accumulate and can forget we even had.  It made me think, so I went through our storage trailer at the farm and didn't get rid of anything more but rearranged and made room for stuff in the motorhome that we hadn't used in the last 6 months.  May want it when we settle down in a bricks & sticks home again.  Don't know when that will be but always thinking ahead.  They say you should have an Exit plan, small 1 story house/apart/condo in Wisconsin is my plan.  Randy's still thinking.....

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