Friday, November 8, 2013


So after the warm weather we decided to head back to Wisconsin to see family, friends, and tidy up the homestead (Still For Sale, if anyones interested).  Our stay at the Redneck RV Resort had shown some lovely improvements and upgrades from our Spring visit.  Level, limestone graded parking area.  Horse view upgrade from corn field.  A wonderful doggy squat area just for Buddy.  Although the pool was closed we still filled our days with the Resort Managements suggestions.  Assisting in siding the house, assisting with a colicky horse, picking up kids from activities, mending jeans, racking leaves, and eating.  The best part was being with family.
Our house in Fort, on the other hand, was not as enjoyable.  We spent over half our time in Wisconsin cleaning it up.  It had been rented out last winter and the couple moved out in July without letting us or the management company know.  So that's when we decided to throw it back on the For Sale market and see if it would sell (always our desired goal).  Not being home, we relied on the management company and the realtor to keep tabs on things.  Didn't work out so well.  They had about 9 showings in the 4 months on the market and never bothered to tell us that the carpet had not been vacuumed (kid beads everywhere), the toilets were filthy, the bathtub had hairballs (gag), boxes left behind (empty), windows open (rain damages paint and windowsills), and the backyard was one giant weed fest.  The guy we hired to mow the lawn, did only that.  He was to keep an eye on the ponds but they were both gurgling and the filters hadn't been cleaned.  Neighbor said they'd been making noises for 2 weeks.  Fish are still alive!   So many days were spend cleaning, painting, shutting windows and screens, de-weeding, pond cleaning, racking, mowing, and winterizing.  So we let the realtor know how displeased we were.  I think they just want to get your contract and then let other realtors show the place.  She hadn't been in there since we listed it in July. Oh well, all clean and pretty for that next showing and SALE!!!   I know God's got a nice, large family that would love a 4 bedroom home.  Just praying they come by SOON.
We decided to have a multi-holiday event.  We incorporated Halloween, Sarah's 25th Birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all in one day and one meal.  Unfortunately, Sarah and Amber got busy and didn't attend, but we saw them later in the week.  Bummer, not the same :>((

Got a chance to have "therapy" with the girls and meet with friends.  Love the laughs and the great time we always have.  Especially that I don't have to pay for "therapy" and we all feel better afterwards.  Laughing is definitely the best medicine.
So now we're off to Branson Missouri for a week, to see the area, and maybe take in 1-2 shows.  Our goal is Las Vegas for Christmas (weird choice, I know) and Pasedena for New Years Rose Bowl Parade.

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