Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monterey Bay and Aquarium

After John & Kim Kempf came to visit in August.  Monterey has been on Randy's mind (John & Kim had visited Monterey before coming by us).  So we decided to make a really long day trip, take the truck, and Buddy too.  The planned 1.5hr trip took us 3 hours with all the traffic.  So we were so thankful we planned it with the truck & Buddy.  First stop the Monterey Bay Aquarium. 
 It was one of the best aquariums we have ever seen.  Lots of really
neat interactive areas and not just fish tanks.  Loved the Jelly Fish exhibit.  Best is the fact that it is right on the Bay and they have a deck all around with ocean water coming in for their tanks.  It is along Cannery Row (Del Monte and non-existant cannery buildings) but today it is shop haven and a great walk.
This was my favorite video we captured while at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
How did I know that these dizzy sardines would let Moses through.
This tank reminded me of the movie "Finding Nemo" so of course we had to watch it the next night.  I can see Dora swimming around and Nemo was hiding.  Just beautifully clean and well done aquarium.
 Just up the road is the 17 mile drive that takes you all around the Bay's coastal lines.  Many pull offs and great views of multiple things in the area.  So we finally made it too the ocean again and
spent alot of time driving the loop and catching the natural sites.
 Even saw 2 mule deer hanging out at the 9th hole of a golf course.  Not sure how you would play that, but hopefully they would move on versus eating your golf ball.  We were told a few strageling whales were still in the area but way out to sea.  On their way to Mexico. 
One stop we could hear the sea lions barking but looking over the edge of the lookout area, couldn't see a thing.  Looking out into the water was this rock formation and it was covered with sea lions.  It looked like moving rocks.  It seems to be the most popular hangout in the area.  As we went around the corner we could see the backside of the rock and not a single sea lion there.  They like the shade.
Just a wonderful day and the start of a beautiful sunset.  It is a really pretty place to visit and just hang out at.  I wonder if the sea lions look back at us and see us as just hanging out on the land???
Driving back up the coast and then inland home we hit another traffic jam.  I don't think there is a time of day on the coast that people aren't traveling somewhere.  I just wish they would leave a lane open for us.  Found out it is legal for motorcycles to ride the line inbetween the cars.  Scared me if someone veered a bit or changed lanes and hit one.  Boom.....

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