Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Riverton friends

 Got to spend a week with my best friend, Jackie Smith and Howard Johnson in Riverton.  Her 4 grandkids from Wisconsin were there to visit.  Really enjoyed the time with all of them and the wonderful city of Riverton.  Jackie works as a Dialysis Nurse on the Shoshone Indian Reservation and had many stories to tell.  Her and Howard do alot of traveling and hunting.  She is the new and improved Annie Oakley of the West. 
Went on an adventure to the Sink Canyon area southwest of Riverton.  Hundreds of trout in this small area were the water flows up from cracks and caverns in the ground.  Dimension doesn't show but this endless hole in the ground comes up to a beautiful pool by the side of a mountain.  I suppose it helps that the National Park Service has a quarter fishfood machine so that little and big kids can feed the fish.   
 Approxiamately 1 miles up the road on the other side is were a beautiful waterfall and rapids leads down to a cave and the water enters underground and flows underground.  Huge cave and crazy rushing cold water.  It was an awesome sight.
We also visited Thermopolis Wyoming.  North of Riverton.  Steam coming from the ground in many places and then overflowing the rocks and adding to the cold moutain water in the river.  Many swimming and enjoying the beautiful weather.  In the distance is a swinging bridge.  I hate these moving bridges but this one wasn't too bad because they covered every inch of the floor so I couldn't step wrong or see below. 

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