Tuesday, June 17, 2014


So we decided that we love to travel and see the sights but maybe we need to have a purpose and share our time and talents with others.  We are a younger couple, than most, out on the road traveling full time.  We found through another couple at church in Whitewater a group called Sowers (Servants on Wheels Ever Ready) It is a Christian group that volunteers at churches, church camps, and schools for 1 month at a time to help meet their needs.  It took us 8 months to be approved.  Applications, letters of recommendation, finger prints, FBI screening, and pastor recommendation.
 So now that we are approved we decided to do our first volunteer mission at Timber-lee Christian Camp in East Troy.  Close to home, family, friends and a part of our kids youth.  I worked here as the Camp nurse in 2000 in order to send the girls to youth camp that summer.  Great experience and they remember it.  We volunteered for May and June.  We work the first 3 weeks of the month and have the 4th week off but get to stay in the campground.  The 4th week in May Randy decided to continue working with the Maintenance department as they really needed the extra help and he loves working with them.  They have become a family here, for us.  I worked on crafty and sewing projects (jean mending for family members was top on the list).  Randy has worked construction on the amphitheater stage, dock building, cleaning, cabin repair, shelf building, and repairs.  I opened cabins, cleaned, de-cobwebbed, stocked the camp store, and this month working in the office preparing for summer camps.  We love the variety and working with great people.  Ladies work 4 hours a day Mon - Thurs.  Men work 6-7 hours a day Mon - Thurs (volunteers).  So we still have Fri/Sat/Sun for ourselves and having family/friends over to the campground.  It is such a beautiful area and many trails to walk. 
We leave our kayaks by the beach and we've been out kayaking on Peters lake many times.  James, Jamie, and sister Bonnie have come out and tried kayaking for the first time.  All loved it.  We hope to come back next spring and volunteer again.  There are SOWER mission projects in all 50 states so we plan on working in Florida at an assignment this coming winter.  Over the 2 months we have been at Timber-lee we have met 2 other SOWER couples and worked with them.  Great to learn of their missions and experiences.  One couple was here for their 100th assignment.  13 years of traveling and sharing.  Not sure we will ever get to that point but glad there are people out there to help.
During our stay, we became the snow ball that caused them to redo 3 campground sites with gravel and leveling for the volunteers that come here.  We had an appointment in Burlington the first week in June to get our RV windshield replaced.  We woke up that morning, packed up and went to drive off the grass campsite.  Due to the prior days rain, we were stuck.  Wheels spinning, not going anywhere.  Can not "rock" a 44,000 pound RV like you can a stuck car.  We had to cancel the appointment.  The wonderful maintenance crew brought the tractor down, later that day and pulled us forward, to the edge of the campsite so the ground could dry.  We thought we were good so re-scheduled the appointment for the next Thursday.  Just incase, they brought the tractor down early that day, and sure enough we were spinning our wheels and needed to be pulled out again.  While we were off the site, they started the process of graveling the campsite.  It is a beautiful site to return to a level, gravel site and knowing you are not getting stuck anymore. 
Cousin Cody graduated from Marquette University Law School and then immediately started running for Assemblyman.  So we walked in the Mukwonago parade on Father's Day to help the cause.

Had fun visiting with the girls from Aurora Health Care in Lake Geneva.  Got caught up on all the happenings at the clinic and in their lives.  Great time!

I also got to see Noah & Issy preform in their recital at Young Auditorium at UW Whitewater campus.  They did an awesome job.  I was a very proud Great Aunt.  I even tried to show them my moves.  Didn't impress them.  I too had ballet and tap in elementary school.  I loved my tu-tu.

So we stay here until the end of June and then back to the Redneck RV Resort until after the July 4th holiday.  No rush to get into the crazy weekend travels.  Then we are heading up north to tour around Lake Superior into Canada.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Enroute to Wisconsin and home

 So just a few pictures as we drove through the Rocky Mountains on I70 from the very west end to east end of Colorado.  I know, snow never leaves these mountains but I think we only had 1 month all winter long where we did not encounter snow.
This will be a highway we will try to avoid in the future, unless it is repaved.  The semi's and large vehicles have ruined the right lane
with their winter chains and usage.  If we were in a car and could travel one of the left lanes didn't look like it was quite as bad.  Should have listened to my brother "Don't go on I70".  I can not believe how flat, fields, farms, and boring the very east 1/4 of Colorado is.

We stopped for a few nights in North Platte Nebraska to avoid the snow storm going through Wisconsin.  But it found us first :>((  Luckily, we were 1 blocks walk from Fort Cody Museum and Trading Post.  Buffalo Bill Cody's family home is also in town and offers tours.  Every day of the week except the 2 days we were there. Of course.  Randy found a great checkers partner to keep him busy while we waited out the storm.  Doesn't talk much (the Indian, not Randy).  Trying to decide where to go to church, opened the front window curtain and right there next to the campground was a Baptist Church.  So we walked there.  Great service and the Pastor is a huge Green Bay Packers fan.  Went to his first game in Green Bay fall of 2013.  He was very excited to have Wisconsinites in the house. 
 Never great to drive out of a campground, onto the freeway (I80) and see this.  God please give us safety traveling, Amen.
Made a 1 night stop on the East side of Davenport Iowa just over the river from LeClaire Iowa home of Antique Archeology TV show on History channel - Mike, Frank & Danielle.  They weren't there but walked through their shop and saw were they film the show.  There van was there so maybe they aren't on the road this week.  Neat to see our favorite show locations as we travel. 
 So this year we have seen Antique Archeology, Tanked, Pawn Stars, Rick's Restoration, Gator Boys, and Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dive's restaurant locations.  We watch too much TV, I think?!?

 Home to Wisconsin and the Redneck RV Park in Delavan (aka Jim & Bonnie's Farm)  To see family and friends.  James and Jamie (May 2, 2015 wedding), Samantha graduation from college, Sarah Jean, and Amber come to visit.  Great kids and so proud of all of them!!