Saturday, October 12, 2013

Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

First thing, I had to learn how to spell Albuquerque.  Around here they abbreviate it ABQ, I like that too.  We had the best parking spot every!  There were about a dozen Beaver coaches that came into the Fiesta grounds on Friday October 4th and the remaining 35+ came into the VIP East parking area on Tuesday, October 8th thru the 13th.  So 10 days of dry camping and experiencing the Balloon Fiesta.  We got up Saturday morning to view the 5:45am Dawn Patrol (11 hot air balloons that take off first to check wind and other necessary things) They fly the flag every day to alter the pilots and crowds (red - no flying   yellow-still deciding   green - go).
Next at 7:00am is the Mass Acension. Up to the total of 550 hot air balloons take off from the Fiesta grounds.  It takes over an hour to get them all up and safely alternate so they do not risk injury or balloon "kiss" - bumping into each other.  It was the most awesome sight and unbelievable how huge the balloons are.  We walked down to the grounds and could walk around the hot air balloons getting ready to lift off.  It was definitely an up close and personal experience. 

The rest of the morning and afternoon as free time.  We took an adventure with Pam and Bob up the Sandia Peak Tram.  It is the world's longest and highest elevation tram to the top of Sandia Peak.  We ate in the base Mexican restaurant and took the ride up.  We had a very entertaining Tram crew and about 30 other riders.  At the top it was extremely windy but an awesome view of the city of Albuquerque on one side and Santa Fe on the other.  Toured the top and rode back down.  I don't like heights but it was just to great to pass up.  No cables broke, so we lived to tell about it.
That evening they have a night Glow.  Balloons are inflated and tethered to the ground and lit up frequently or by the count of 3 so they all "glow".  Followed by a wonderful fireworks display and ground show.  We had this routine throughout the 10 days.  Thursday they had "shapes" balloons on the field and in the air.  I can't believe that the Old Lady in the Shoe can fly!!  There are also contests all week with the balloons.  They go up, fly around, and then see which pilot/team can drop a weighted flag onto an X on the ground.  They had a large envelope on a pole, 30 feet in the air.  The pilots fly by in their balloon and try to grab the envelope.  Many did !  There was also a gas balloon race.  5 specially made gas balloons left the grounds and the one that flew the farthest won.  No stops or touch downs.  The winner made it all the way to Ontario, directly north of Green Bay- north of Lake Superior.  We followed their path online.  Extras on the grounds were chainsaw artist contests, food booths, collector pins, southwest jewelry, and souvenior shops.  Saturday, October 12 they had bands playing all day, including Darius Ruckers (was lead singer for Hootie and the Blowfish) and 4 other bands. 
One side trip we went to was Old Town Albuquerque.  A beautiful 1703 adobe church, that still holds services. The town square, also build in early 1700's.  Now a tourist area with many little shops and eateries, it was neat to see.  I went to a few quilt shops with the ladies and loved seeing the different material patterns that they have in the Southwest.  Just don't know what I would do with red chiles all over a shirt or shorts.....  We most definitely had to check out the Balloon Museum and see the history of ballooning.  Many great stories there!
Come Sunday morning we leave the Fiesta grounds and start heading back to Wisconsin.  Time to check on the kids and house.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Beavers to Balloons

We joined up with a group of 18 Beaver owners (the make of our motorhome) to venture across the state of California, Arizona, and into New Mexico for the Albuquerquer Balloon Fiesta.  11 days of traveling and playing follow the leader with 1-2 days stop to have an adventure and then moving on.  We started in French Camp, California - getting to know our fellow Beavers and doing some general errands.  Laundry, getting our mail, getting prescriptions, grocery shopping, and adventures. 
We toured a local winery that one of our members (a retired high school teacher) taught the supervisor when he was in high school.  Dinner at that same members house, he had an almond grove in his back yard.  Learned all about almonds from him and then toured the Blue Diamond Company (after a stop at Ghirardelli's Ice Cream Factory & Gift store. MMMmmmmm. 
NO, Randy did not become a physician in our travels.  At the Blue Diamond factory we all had to wash our hands really good and where hairnets.  Due to Randy's beard, he had to get double netted.  Good thing he trimed his nose hairs or we would've been going for a 3 netter!

Our next stop was in Lancaster near Edward's Air Force Base and a group tour of the facilities.  Really neat to see and to have all of the veterans with us in the group.  Edward's used to be called Muroc Air Base during WWII.  My Uncle Elmer had been a pilot at Muroc and then Pearl Harbor during WWII.  So it was really neat to be here and think that he had come through here 70 years ago.  Such a massive area and huge dry lake bed.  Test pilots, new creations, and the space shuttle alternate landing, call this place home.  The test plane in the picture was a Warthog TA108 and Randy had designed and built parts for the plane during his machinist employment.  Really neat to see the big picture of the parts he made.
         Onto Laughlin Nevada area.  Camped at a Casino campground.  Had an awesome crab leg buffett at the casino and played our FREE $10 from the casino.  Both of us lost all $10 on slot machines but it took us a few hours to do so.  I fugure it is the equivalent to giving the kids $10 for arcade games.  We had fun and watched a few big winners from our group.  Really getting to know a few couples and having a blast with them.  Maryalice and Pete from Apple Valley California. Pam and Bob from Boulder City Nevada.  Learning all about their areas and learning alot of fun card and dice games.  We fit 10 people in Pam and Bob's RV to play games one night.  Had a blast!  Now I've just got to remember all the rules and bring the games home to play back in Wisconsin.  Better write them down or I know I will forget.  We passed 9 of these HUGE wings for a wind generator.
Next stop in Williams near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  We have been following or running the freeways near Route 66.  Alot of really neat towns and areas on the way.  Took the Grand Canyon Railway from Williams to the Rim.  2-1/2 hours ride and 3 hours to check out the Rim and Canyon Village.  We chose to ride in the 1923 Pullman Car.  It was awesome.  It was the only car that had windows that opened and bench seats that could flip so riders could face each other.  It also was the cheapest, so we were good.  We were told by others that had ridden the train in the past, that on the way home there would be a train robbery.  So the 4 of us riding in the Pullman decided to dress the part and have fun with the day.  We had a great time and sure enough the train was held up and stopped by a group of horse back riding, train robbers.  They even asked if we were looking for a job.  It was great!  Oh ya, that big hole in the ground, known as the Grand Canyon was really great too.  We loved our train ride and the ability to see the awesomeness of the Grand Canyon.  That was on September 30 - Little did we know that on October 1st the government shut down would halt all visitors.  We are very thankful we went, but met some great people working on the train (even those train robbers) and people in the village, that our now not working.  I pray the government gets their act together and thinks about THE PEOPLE. 

Even Cowboys get tired!!
Gallup New Mexico was our next stop.  We learned all about turquoise jewelry and rugs.  Toured a huge pawn shop in Gallup that helps store Indian family jewelry, rugs, saddles, you name it they pawn it - basically for security and then come get it when they need it for ceremonies or tribal need.  Learned about the Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni Indians that all live in the area.  Drove 30 miles to the Zuni Pueblo and had some great conversations with Indians selling their wares.  We were told to drive around the butte, which is an Indian Sacrad area on top.  Luckily, Maryalice and Pete drove us in their Jeep and we made it on the old dirt, cow path.  Got some beautiful views and had a great adventure.  Only 1 dead rattlesnake was seen, and no live ones!
An overnight stay in another Casino campground - another great Buffet and time with our friends.  Time to empty holding tanks and fill the water tank for our early departure to head to Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta and 10 days of dry camping (no electric or water hookup).  Left at 7:30am and drove into the beautiful sunrise coming over the Sandia mountain range.  Made it safely to the Fiesta grounds and our paved parking area on a hill overlooking the Balloon Fiesta grounds.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Draft Horse Classic

While in Yuba Pass area we were only 30 miles from Grass Valley and the Draft Horse Classic.  It is an annual Draft Horse show.  I love those big, beautiful animals so we had to go.  They had so much going on.  Daily shows with a 9 horse hitch (1 horse more than the Clydesdales of Budweiser).
  Can't imagine handling those 9 massive horses. Show contests on horse performance, wagon, and showmanship. It was really a neat experience.
  The Belgian's won at the horse pull contest.  Walked away like they were pulling a thread.  There are ALOT of people in this area with the Working Class of Horses and use them daily on their ranches/farms.  My mind always linked the crazies of California with Hollyweird.  But such a large portion of California is wonderful, regular, hard working people and these folks were so down to earth and NORMAL.