Thursday, March 21, 2013

March's Travels 2013

 So now we've finally moved on from Florida proper and heading up the panhandle.  Same state, but what a change. The main body of Florida must be such a mix of people from all over the U.S. and Canada that even with being "the south" the accent is missing.  Now that we are in the panhandle the heavy southern accent begins.
This is St George Island near our new campground in Mexico Beach Florida.  I don't think I could live in these stacked homes along the beach, but then that's kinda how many campgrounds we've stayed in are???  Well, at least I can move MY house!  This lighthouse was near the beach but fell over after 100+ years.  They rebuilt it more inland from the original plans. 

Yes, Florida does have some normal areas. I seem to be drawn towards the beach pics but they do have normal pine trees and beautiful drives. It's amazing how we compare any change in scenary to somewhere in Wisconsin. Not as much road kill as we see in Wisconsin. The deer are always standing by the side of the road but their moms must have taught them not to cross without looking both ways.  We stopped in Pensicola and visited Gail Jones.  Randy grew up with Gail and her husband Terry, in Milwaukee.  Terry's dad gave Randy his first job in Machining.  They also went to Northland Baptist Bible College and were roommates.  There are some GOOD stories there!!  Rebuilding a motorcycle in the dorm, turtles kept in the toilet tank....Terry was working in Texas so didn't get to see him

Stopped by the Gator Boys Mississippi gator ranch.  They weren't there but neat to see where they film the series for TV.

Next stop New Orleans.  Loved the 27 mile bridge over Lake Pontchartrain.  Mississippi river front was beautiful.  And once again relate it to Wisconsin and our trips to the Mississippi for the February Bald Eagle days in Prairie du Chien.  Anyway, back to New Orleans.  Neat shops and streets. 
Food Network Diners, Driveins, & Dives highlighted this restaurant with "the best fried chicken ever".  Randy is a fried chicken lover.  So we figured it was only a 10 block walk from the French Quarter and we'd have ourselves the best fried chicken "ever".  Well New Orleans changed ALOT in 10 blocks.  Us fair skinned Yankees were very nervous and called a few names.  We say the restaurant but kept on walking to a main drag and caught the first street car back. Quickly..... 
I had an Uncle Willie and Auntie Mae so the restaurant had a special meaning to me. 

Story and God Wink
We had decided to jump on the motorcycle and had a destination picked out 30 miles away.  Right from the start Randy wasn't driving too well.  He weaved over the center line twice and in a curve onto the shoulder of the road.  As a great back seat driver, I yelled and asked if he was OK.  He said "Yup".  Within the first 3 miles I began to think we were not going to make it alive on this drive.  I sent up a prayer for safety and instantly Randy said he forgot something.  So we turned around and went back.  I questioned him about how he felt (the nurse kicked in) and he just said he was very tired.  I convinced him to just sit down for awhile.  Long story short, we discovered he had taken a sleeping pill instead of his blood pressure pill that morning.  We didn't go for a drive that day.
Thank you GOD
Gulpha Gorge Campground in Hot Springs Arkansas.  The absolute best campground we've stayed in.  Our motorhome backed up right to the creek/river and we could hear the river noise all night.  There we go, just like our home in Fort Atkinson with the river noises.  There were trails up the mountain on the other side of the river and one of them went up and over the mountain and into Hot Springs.
The trail was 1 1/2 miles one way.  BUT it was up/down/up/down. Oh my.  The last part was straight down and I was looking for a sled to slide it but instead it was baby steps and walking like a duck.  Walked downtown and got a drink of water!!  There are 47 natural hot springs steaming from the ground at 147 degrees.  Most are covered for protection and clean conditions.  There is a bathhouse row downtown where you can go and.......bathe or soak.   After our "walk", the nice Ranger saved me an showed up we could walk on the nice road around the mountain, back to the campground.  I love Rangers!!
The best part of Hot Springs was visiting with relatives!!  My 1st cousin Russ Heckert and his wonderful wife Carol live in Hot Springs Village.  We spent 3 days on/off with them and had a wonderful time.  Russ gave us many, many hints on how to improve our golf game.  We'll have to see if they help next time we play.  Carol and the boys, Mugsy and KB were wonderful hosts and it was great to talk with people we know and love.  Campground friends are short encounters and just not the same as family.  Buddy has some lifelong friends! 

Now we're heading north and stopped in Harrisburg Arkansas to visit a good friend from Randy's work.  Mr Ed and Cheryl shared some wonder steaks and the most massive potatoes I have ever seen.  Then they brought friends and another wonderful meal to the campground to share with us. Another wonderful State Park Campground.  We are camped on a hill and overlooking Poinsett Lake.  Beautiful view and great friends.  Boy talk was good!  Our original plan was to continue on to Branson before heading for home BUT with a 5-6inch snow storm scheduled to hit Branson, we have decided to stay put in Harrisburg for an extra 6 days and just head north from hear.  I expect ALL of the snow to be gone from Southern Wisconsin too.  So start shoveling and get your heat lamps out!!