Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer Hiatis

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For the Summer 2015 as we will be traveling June / July / August to Alaska and posting our travels on that specific Blog for the summer.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

SOWERS project Stuart Florida

 The month of January we spend in Stuart Florida, on the East side. We were on a SOWERS project and worked with 2 other great couples.  We knew it would be great when we pulled up and the other 2 RV's had motorcycles parked next to them.  We had fun and helped out a church and church school with repairs and cleaning.  It was a wonderful experience and we are so thankful to be able to help others in our travels.  We had a local, small alligator residing in the small pond behind our camping area. 
 After our assignment in Stuart we returned to Clermont to get our little man "Gator Hunter Connell".  This was him at 2 weeks.  Boy do they grow fast!  We wanted a name that was representative of the fact that he was born and we got him in Florida.  Tried to get a rescue dog but were denied because we don't have a fence.  We could get a 10 year old, but not for a life companion after Buddy and a short life span.  Just couldn't do it.  So when we pulled into the campground and there was an ad up for Cocker puppies, we knew it was to be.  This is Gator at 12 weeks.  He adjusted quickly to RV life.  Doing well with the potty training (minus a bout of diarrhea from something??? and the rain) He isn't bothered by anything.  He loves to play, eat, sleep, and swim.  I pray there is a bit of Buddy's mellowness and awesomeness within him.  Gator is afraid of the squeaking Gator toy. He bites it and it squeaks - he drops and runs.
 We've got to work on the "come" but sit is going very well.  Clipping nails, haircut, and kayaking are all going well.  Loves his kennel and knows it is his hiding/safe haven.  Food is a major motivator for this one.  We camped in Crystal River for February to get Gator trained and just get him used to us.  Manatee sightings were few but it was a relaxing month.
 March - we are on SOWER assignment in Elberta Alabama.  About 20 minutes north of Gulf Shores.  Volunteering at Camp Baldwin and working with 4 other couples is great.  We work Mon - Thursday.  Group devotion in the morning and then off to what ever tasks they have for us.  The men were framing in bathrooms, tiling a kitchen add-on, painting, and whatever comes up.  The woman have been painting and cleaning rooms after groups come/go from camp.  They have multiple hotel type rooms and cabins with large activity rooms.  Lots of bed making, toilet cleaning, and vacuuming.  Time on the weekend to kayak in Wolf Bay, which leads to Orange Beach and eventually the ocean.  Gator does well but wants to jump in when he sees crab pot buoys (buoy ball floating) or if Randy gets his kayak too close he wants to jump over to him.  Wet he is, frequently.  We have had weinie/brat roasts over the campfire.  Movie night when Randy sets up and we fill a full wall with movies that we all have in our RV collections.  There are wonderful people that live and work at camp full time. Super hard workers and just love the Lord and share their heart with everyone.  We swoop in and help where they need it and swoop back out.  These people eat, sleep, and breath this camp and have made it their life to serve others.  It just is humbling and awesome to meet such great people. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Orlando and Bradenton

 So we finally "land" in the Space Coast of Florida.  Kayaking on the Indian River where dolphins played with us or around our kayaks.  Observed them playing with one another and fishing for lunch. Got up at 1:00am and went to watch Orion's first test flight but got scrubbed because of wind. After 3 almost take offs when they were counting down and suddenly came "abort, abort" The crowd loudly shouted "Awwwww"  But it took off the next day (we stayed in bed and watched on TV) Fun day!!

Randy tried frog legs (tastes like baby chicken) and gator tails.  Both were very good and being breaded and deep fried, he would eat them again.  We also attended a Beaver motorhome rally and got to try our "aim" at a shooting range.  Toured KSC (Kennedy Space Center) and learned ALOT. One of the Beavers retired from KSC and had a few "insider" stories, well actually MANY stories to tell.  I'd share, except then I'd have to kill you so I will remain silent. Toured "Swampy" the alligator preserve and other various animals native to Florida.  Randy held a baby gator and in this picture a tarantula.  I observed, someone has to take the pictures.

After leaving the Space Coast we headed inland to Orlando/Kissimmee area for our biannual trek to our time share at Vacation Village.  Our friends Karen and Pat Kelly came to visit from Wisconsin for a much needed vacation.  Both have extremely busy lives and needed to take some time away from jobs, school, kids, grandkids to unwind.  It was visibly obvious as the week went on.  We were treated to a wonderful show and meal at Kobi Japanese Steak House. Chop Chop.  Spent a day at Epcot and for the first time made it all the way around the World Showcase.  It wasn't a very busy day and we were able to hit all the attractions/rides that we wanted without too much waiting in line.  Fast Track isn't what it used to be. Way overused now and we went much quicker without using it.  Test Track had a "singles" line versus 90 minute wait.  We all went in singles line and were on in 30 minutes.  We just didn't get to sit next to each other but we all got on within a few minutes of each other.  We went to Downtown Disney to walk around.  Swam in the pool and laid in the sun.  Had a great friend of Pat and Karen's come share Thanksgiving with us. It was great to have a true holiday feast and friends around.  Holidays are never easy on the road.  Miss my kids too much and they were always big deals growing up.  Now when it is just Randy and I sitting around, sharing a holiday it doesn't have the same WOW factor as a house full of family.  I am working on how to resolve that or come up with a new holiday plan.  Maybe in the future, when we are off the road, we can begin new traditions.

After Karen and Pat went back home we decided to spend another day at Disney.  So we were now at a campground but drove the car back to the time share parking area and caught the free shuttle to the Transportation station.  Its meant for the condo people, but we knew they didn't check room keys so we figured we would take advantage of our time share fees and use the serve.  Worked out great and didn't have to pay the $15 to park each day.   We ended up going 2 days.  Did Magic Kingdom, a few more things in Epcot one day.  Animal Kingdom and Hollywood the 2nd day.  The time between Dec 1 and 15 is dead.  We didn't wait in any lines.  Just as fast as you could walk the rope lines was as fast as you got on the ride.  Great time to go!!!   We had purchased a 10 day Hopper ticket for both of us 7 years ago, figuring they never expire and over our lifetime we would use it.  It averaged about $50/day - today it is $100/day admission.  Glad we did that!!! 
We had been talking about dog/no dog for the past few weeks.  Looked into adopting a rescue dog but kept getting turned down because we weren't in a "large enough place with a fenced yard." They don't think our "dog house" could handle a dog??? or that we couldn't walk a dog????  I can't figure that one out.  Do you want the dog to stay a rescue or give him a nice home with people that will spoil him?   We did get approved for a 10 year old abuse/neglected Cocker.  Almost picked her up until Randy saw a small ad on the campground wall advising of Cocker puppies due Dec 12.  He called the number and they puppies had been born early, Dec 5.  We went over to meet the owners, and puppies at 2weeks of age.  We were hooked.  1 dog left out of 7 that were spoken for.  So now we await our new dog!!   We saw him again at 3wks, 5wks and will pick him up at 8wks.  His name is Gator.  He was named Noah by the owners, but we have a great nephew named Noah - just didn't seem right.  Hunter was our next choice, but then we sudden met adult men named Hunter and that didn't seem right.  Born in Florida - gator comes to mind and so it was.  Gator Hunter Connell.  NOT Gator Bait Connell as suggested.

Randy's been getting a bit of golfing in.  I keep trying but it's not my favorite game.  Traditional Floridian Christmas parades are boat parades.  This one was a pontoon boat and the driver had on a Santa suit.  Very cute.
The most relaxing place, is a beautiful sandy, quiet beach.  Ahhhhh
We headed to the west coast of Florida and Bradenton for 2 weeks.  While we were there Jackie Smith and her friend Bob came to visit us for a few days out of their 2 week whirlwind vacation from Wisconsin.  We toured the Ringling Museum.  Winter quarters and residence of the Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey circus.  Knowing the history of Barnum & Bailey (originated in Delavan Wisc) it was really neat to see how their histories combined to make the Greatest Show on Earth.
They had a massive replica of a circus set up on display.  Probably 3 times the size of our motorhome.  And to think they set up and tore down this entire company every 1-2 days and moved on. 

This was a beautiful mansion of one of the Ringling Bros.  Marble, marble everywhere.  Stain glass windows and decorated for Christmas.  You know those 20 foot Christmas trees with glass ornaments and decorated garland everywhere.  It would take me a month just to decorate this place.  No, I like my 3foot, pop out of the tube, pre lit, pre decorated tree.  I even forgot the stockings this year. 
As we walked the grounds we spotted this Osprey in a tree having lunch.  The fish he was munching on was pretty well taken care of.  The bits that fell as he ate were quickly picked up by awaiting Egrets on the ground.  Lunch for all. 
We went to the Citrus Bowl parade.  Even though Wisconsin wasn't playing in it, Bob had seen the parade many years ago and said it was really different and beautiful.  He said that it wasn't as big or ornate as he had seen.  Floats decorated in oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and any other citrus fruit was really neat to see.  Mickey and Minnie even made an appearance.  Universal studios even had a few of their characters in the parade. So it was really different then the parades we had seen before.  We had to show them the Apollo Beach Power Plant, where Manatee go in the winter.  We saw many Manatee, small sharks, and tarpon.  Glad they were there, as you hate to take people to special places and not see what you went there to see.  They continued on their vacation plans.  Outback Bowl in Tampa to see Wisconsin Badgers play, Daytona Beach, KSC, St Augustine lights, and more of Orlando before they drove back to cold, snowy Wisconsin.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Enroute to Texas

OK so quick "catch up" on our travels as I have been so BAD at posting and keeping up on the Blog.  Sorry :>(((
Paducah Illinois WalMart was a quick one night stop so I could check out the National Quilt Museum.  Beautiful quilts on display, but they wouldn't allow any pictures.  So you will never be able to view any of my quilts on display, but I can always dream and keep practicing.  We took a quick stop at the George W Bush Presidential Library in Dallas.  Duplicate Oval Office - Randy tried out the desk.  "President Randy and First Lady Lonna"  Im thinking about changing Lincoln's bedroom to a Craft room??? Naaah
Our trip took us through Texas Hill Country and a Beaver rally in Kerrville Texas, were we became the Region 3 National Director for the Beaver Ambassador Club.  Our duties are to encourage and organize RV rallies in our Region and represent the Midwest and Canada at Semi-annual meetings.  Sounds important but really just doing what we are doing and organizing rallies.  We have a Rally scheduled in May 2015 in Great Falls Montana and followed by a rally in Calgary Alberta that we are hosting before we continue on to Alaska.  Maybe have a few extras play follow the leader and take the trek to Alaska with us?!?!

We then headed to Florida for our winter quarters.  Loved Biloxi and the panhandle coastal area.  Would really like to stay much longer or even make it our winter choice in the future.  Much quieter beaches and not a lot of buildings on the beach side of the road so you can actually SEE the ocean, instead of a business or house. Lots of wide sidewalks and trails for walking and biking too.
We took the ferry to Mustang Island on the East coast of Texas (backing up in our trip) and saw dolphins playing in the bay.  Randy went into a "tourist" store and came out the sharks mouth.  Never know what that guys going to do......

I will try to keep the Blog updated more frequently 1) so there is something to read 2) So I remember more of what we did  3) So I can keep documenting our travels.  We have many people as us questions about where we've been or what we did at a certain place.  So I just jump on the internet and review the Blog so I can tell them the right info.  We are both doing well and still loving the gypsy life.  Christmas was hard being away from family and the kids but Randy let me cry and then we went for a nice walk.  So I made it through.  Kids Skyped so we could see them open gifts (that helped a lot).  Warm winter in Florida so more adventures to come.